Pinnacle Children's Place

Our Infant Program

We have a robust Infant Program serving the Lekki Community in Lagos Nigeria. Our infant curriculum is designed to meet the unique and individual needs of the infants we serve.


Nurturing Discovery

An enabling environment that allows the child explore, discover and learn.

At Pinnacle Children's Place, the Infant Room is a warm environment that fosters vocabulary enrichment, supports nurturing and provides opportunities for sensory motor exploration. The program is designed for individual development at the child’s natural pace. We talk and read to our infants.

The environment is deliberately prepared, with designed areas for sleeping, playing, diapering and feeding, providing a sense of order and security, plus a happy atmosphere.

child learning online in a pre-school

Our Infant curriculum program is designed to reflect the important qualities found at home while exposing your infant to new challenges and the benefit of group experiences. Our Infant developmental program is designed to meet the individual developmental needs of babies from the ages of 12 weeks (3 months) through 12 months (1 year).

Our program allows individual assessments of our babies in the areas of emotional, social, gross motor, fine motor, cognitive and language development.

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