Pinnacle Children's Place

Our Toddler House

Toddlers learn about their world through their senses, so we plan environments and activities that encourage children to touch, taste, smell, listen, and interact in any way that meets that child’s need.


Learning Can Be Fun

Encouraging each child to reach his or her fullest potential.

The Toddler House is set up to provide a fun and flexible environment that supports each child’s need for a balanced day of stimulating activity, quiet time, small group interactions, free choice play and independent exploration.

The Toddler House is a setting in which a toddler can explore his/her day with a safe and carefully planned program.

child learning online in a pre-school

We surround our children with age appropriate toys and materials to encourage exploration and discovery and enhance their overall development. We provide every opportunity for your child to develop his/her own interests with a variety of play centers within the classroom.

Activities within these play centers help reinforce skills and concepts. In each play area of our Toddler House you will find areas for children to explore and learn while having fun.

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