While many toddlers are sleeping through the night, sleep issues can still be common at this age. And this lack of sleep can lead to toddler tantrums and general crankiness.
Keep in mind that your toddler still needs up to 14 hours of sleep a day, so it’s important that you stick to a routine that includes plenty of naps and an early bedtime.
The toddler stage also typically includes the transition from sleeping in a crib to sleeping in a big kid bed, though parents shouldn’t feel pressured to make the switch at a certain age. If your child is still comfortable in a crib, there’s not usually a reason to move them until they are older.
If your child is a younger toddler, they’re probably still taking two naps a day. You don’t need to change that unless you’ve already started to see indicators that this is changing on its own.
For example, if your toddler is starting to have trouble falling asleep at what would be the normal time for a nap or doesn’t seem tired at the same time in the morning, it may be time for just one nap per day.
The same is true of the afternoon nap. If it’s starting to get later and later, chances are you can just transition out of the morning nap and move to an afternoon nap only.
Try to eliminate unplanned naps so your child can experience longer, deeper, healthier sleep. It may be easier to handle that trip in the car if your toddler takes a quick nap, but do your best to keep them awake or plan the trip for a time when they won’t be sleepy.
If your toddler wakes at around 8 a.m., a nap should naturally come around 12:30 p.m. and last about 2 to 2.5 hours. This would mean your toddler is waking around 3 p.m. which is optimal for a 7:30 p.m. bedtime. Sleeping from 7:30 p.m. to 8 a.m. provides about 12.5 hours of night sleep. Add in the nap and that brings you to 15 hours.
These are approximate times, of course. Family schedules will dictate differences. However, simply shifting the times won’t always work to alleviate problems. The bedtime and wake-up times are the most important. Getting to sleep at an earlier time in the evening coincides with the natural, internal rhythm of your toddler.
Many families co-sleep with their toddlers. While there can be some benefits to having your child in your bed, it can be disruptive to everyone’s sleep —especially the parents.